We can say that web design is directly related to the visual aspects of a website for effective communication between website and web pages. TCCI coaching institute provides web design courses for computer science students based on student requests.
Because we always love to see beautiful things around us. It is always argued that web design should be an added value to web marketing and features. It’s interesting to see how graphic designers on the one hand and web programmers on the other argue their respective positions.
HTML Hypertext mark-up language is standard mark-up language which is very useful in creating webpage and web application. HTML describes the structure of Web pages using mark-up. HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. HTML elements are represented by tags.
CSS is an important way to control how your Web pages look. It controls colors, typography, and the size and placement of elements and images. But it can be very difficult to learn CSS, and some people would rather not learn it.
JavaScript is an object-based scripting language that is lightweight and cross-platform. JavaScript is not compiled but translated. It is useful for validating input in a web browser without needing to go to the server. It is useful for manipulating HTML DOM, CSS when a user is interacting with a web page.
Angular is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly.
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework for developing responsive mobile websites. It is also a free open source front-end development framework for building websites and web apps that provides a collection of template design syntax to make web development faster and easier.
React is a pure component-based JavaScript library used to build user interfaces specifically for Single Page Applications (SPAs). It's free and open source, so it's great for web development, mobile apps, desktop apps, virtual reality apps, and more.
TCCI computer classes provide the best training in various web designing courses through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.
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